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Register today for the Before Thanksgiving Holiday Hike with Hot Apple Cider, Hot Chocolate and Cookies! (Fun for the whole family)

Posted on
August 16, 2024
Recreation Department

Before Thanksgiving Holiday Hike with Hot Apple Cider, Hot Chocolate and Cookies!  (Fun for the whole family)   

Join us as we hike up to the beautiful Beaver Brook Marsh Boardwalk trail in Peoples State Forest at 1 p.m. on Saturday, November 23.  Get ready for the Thanksgiving holiday by spending time with friends, exercising and enjoying our beautiful forest surrounded by the beautiful Wild and Scenic Farmington River as we hike to the Beaver Brook Boardwalk Marsh Trail and enjoy a fun afternoon.  Please dress appropriately with proper gear. This will be a moderately strenuous hike but well worth it.  It will be held rain or shine! Families are welcome. We will also enjoy a "Pot Luck" snack together as we take a break at the beautiful Boardwalk and at the end of the hike.  Please bring water and your favorite "pot luck" snack.  We will also provide individually packaged desserts and hot chocolate/cider.   Please Register by Monday, November 18 from this link-

This hike will be led jointly by the Barkhamsted Recreation Department, Farmington River Steward and FALPS. Please meet at the parking area on East River Road at bottom of Greenwoods Road (near the gate) (The road that leads up to the Stone Museum) at 1 p.m. on Saturday, November 18.   (Note-it is hunting season, if you can wear orange or a bright colored jacket it is recommended)  Depending on the group size/level of difficulty we may split up into two groups and have a few different options for length of the hike/walk.)  (The full hike will be approximately 3.5-4 miles)